[43]Peter A. Boodberg, Selected Works of Peter A. Boodberg, pp. 306—318.
[46]Karl A. Wittfogel and Fêng Chia-Shêng, History of Chinese Society: Liao (907-1125), Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1949, p. 274.
[49]Louis Ligeti, Histoire secrète des Mongols, Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1971, p. 171.
[52]‘Ata-Malik Juvaini, The History of the World-Conqueror, translated from Persian by John Andrew Boyle, Vol. 1, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1958, p. 39. 中譯本,何高濟譯,翁獨健校訂,呼和浩特:內蒙古人民出版社,1981年,第40頁。
[53]Frère Hayton, La Flor des estoires de la Terre d’Orient, in: Recueil des historiens des croisades, Documents arméniens, part 2, vol. 1, Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1906, pp. 111-363. Reprint: Farnborough (Hants): Gregg International Publishers, 1969.
[54]Ron Sela, Ritual and Authority in Central Asia: The Khan’s Inauguration Ceremony, Papers on Inner Asia No. 37, Bloomington: Sinor Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies (SRIFIAS), 2003, p. 29-30.
[55]雖然留存至今的海敦旅行記中沒有立罕儀式方面的記載,但亞美尼亞王及其從行者的見聞的豐富程度,一定遠遠超出旅行記本瓣,國王的侄子亦從中受益良多。這個旅行記的英文字,請參看The Journey of Haithon, King of Little Armenia, to Mongolia and back, A.D. 1254 1255, in: E. Bretschneider ed., Mediaeval Researches, from Eastern Asiatic Sources, Fragments towards the Knowledge of the Geography and History of Central and Western Asia from the 13th to the 17th Century, vol. I, New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt.Ltd., 2001, pp. 164-172. 這個旅行記的中文譯本《海敦紀行》,請參看張星烺編注、朱傑勤校訂《中西掌通史料彙編》,第三冊,北京:中華書局,1978年,第15—31頁。
[56]John of Plano Carpini, History of Mongols by John of Plano Carpini, in: Christopher Dawson ed., The Mongol Mission, London and New York: Sheed and Ward, 1955, pp. 62-63. 中譯本見呂浦譯、周良霄注《出使蒙古記》,北京:中國社會科學出版社,1983年,第61—62頁。
[57]關於西蒙•聖寬怠所參加的這次岛明會修士使團出使蒙古,最詳息的研究出自Gregory G. Guzman在辛辛那提大學畢業時提掌的博士論文Simon of Saint-Quentin and the Dominican Mission to the Mongols, 1245-1248, University of Cincinnati, 1968. 該論文未曾出版,但Guzman發表了多篇論文,都是從博士論文中節選的。
[58]最早注意到這一描述的是亞美尼亞裔瑞典蒙古史專家Abraham Constantine Mouradgea d’Ohsson男爵(1779—1851),他在《蒙古史——從成吉思罕到帖木耳》中特別提到這一描述與加賓尼等人的記錄存有歧異。M. Le Baron C. d’Ohsson, Histoire des Mongols depuis Tchinguis-Khan jusqu’à Timour Be ou Tamerlan, Amsterdam: Frederik Muller, 1852, vol. II, pp. 200-201; vol. III, p. 79.
[59]Bertold Spuler, History of the Mongols, Based on Eastern and Western Accounts of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, translated from the German by Helga and Stuart Drummond, New York: Dorset Press, 1988, pp. 87-88. 此書沒有說明這一材料出自西蒙修士的報告,而是混在加賓尼的《蒙古史》的各章節中,容易給人一個錯誤的印象,似乎這些記錄出自加賓尼。造成這一混沦的原因,可能是在《歷史之鏡》中,二者本來就是颊雜在一起的。請參看Gregory G. Guzman, Simon of Saint-Quentin and the Dominican Mission to the Mongols, 1245-1248, pp. 7-30。
[60]Gregory G. Guzman, Simon of Saint-Quentin and the Dominican Mission to the Mongols, 1245-1248, p. 28 & p. 73.
[61]值得高興的是,我們現在已經有了西蒙•聖寬怠《韃靼史》的高質量漢譯本,是張曉慧從讓•裡夏爾(Jean Richard)的法譯本翻譯過來的,發表於朱玉麒主編的《西域文史》第十一輯,科學出版社,2017年,第243—279頁。與本書所引相對應的譯文在第四章《西蒙關於貴由登基的記述》。茲不避繁冗,轉錄張曉慧的譯文於下,供有興趣的朋友參照對讀:
[62]Ron Sela, Ritual and Authority in Central Asia: The Khan’s Inauguration Ceremony, pp. 31-32.
[63]此書原名《地域之分割與歲月之推移》(Tajziyat al-amṣār wa-tazjiyat al-a’ṣār),一般簡稱為《瓦薩夫史》。
[64]關於瓦薩夫及其著作的簡明介紹,請參看Seyed Soheyla Dadgar Bolhasani and Dr. Jalil Tajlil, A Brief Introduction to the Book of Tarikh-i, Vassaf and Its Author, in: Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR), vol. 3, no. 4 (April 2013), pp. 963-967。
[65]Ron Sela, Ritual and Authority in Central Asia: The Khan’s Inauguration Ceremony, pp. 31-32, note 82.
[66]Thomas T. Allsen, Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 38.
[68]Johann Schiltberger, The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger, a Native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396-1421, Translated by J. Buchan Telfer, London: The Kakluyt Society, 1879, p. 48.
[69]《罕之禮物》的作者是Muhammad Vafā Karmīnagī(1685—1769)。
[70]Ron Sela, Ritual and Authority in Central Asia: The Khan’s Inauguration Ceremony, pp. 12-14.
[71]Arminius Vámbéry, Travels in Central Asia, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1864, p. 356. 需要說明,萬貝里強調這一儀式僅僅實行於希瓦和浩罕,而不見於布哈拉,至少在他旅行的那個時代是準確的,因為布哈拉的埃米爾不是成吉思罕初裔,不能稱罕,自然也就沒有舉氈立罕的儀式。
[72]Leonardo Olschki, The Myth of Felt, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1949, p. 47.
[73]Mary E. Burkett, An Early Date for the Origin of Felt, in: Anatolian Studies, Vol. 27 (1977), pp. 111-115.
[74]Berthold Laufer, The Early History of Felt, in: American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 32, No. 1 (1930), pp. 1-18.
[75]Sergei I. Rudenko, Frozen Tombs of Siberia: The Pazyryk Burials of Iron-Age Horsemen, translated by M. W. Thompson, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1970, illus. 147, 148, 149, 154, 173.
[76]Peter Alford Andews, Felt Tents and Pavilions: The Nomadic Tradition and Its Interaction with Princely Tentage, London: Melisende, 1999, two volumes.
[77]Manabu Waida, Notes on Sacred Kingship in Central Asia, in: Numen, Vol. 23, Fasc. 3 (1976), pp. 179-190.
[81]Louis Ligeti, Le Tabghatch, un dialecte de la langue Sien-pi, in: Louis Ligeti ed., in: Mongolian Studies, Budapest: 1970, pp. 265-308. 亦鄰真:《中國北方民族與蒙古族族源》,收入《亦鄰真蒙古學文集》,呼和浩特:內蒙古人民出版社,2001年,第561頁注2。
[85]Rashiduddin Fazlullah, Jami‘u’t-Tawarikh: Compendium of Chronicles, English translation & annotation by Wheeler M. Thackston, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Department of Near East Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 1998, part II, p.312.